Sunday, January 17, 2010

This week is the return of the guest programmer. This is another guest we have not yet seen who is a CrossFit coach. They have a ton of knowledge and love looking at different effects programs and nutrients have on the body. As always I implore you to post results this week more than ever as it is kind of the price we pay for having guests take their time to do programming for us. The least we can do is post them feedback on the programs they have spent their own time creating for us.

Also, trivia is back. We all know the prize is getting the chance to choose WOD's for next week. Which Cartoon is this?

"Waterless Christine"
3 Rounds for Time
50 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls Guys @ 45 Gals @ 30
12 Bodyweight Deadlifts
21 Box Jumps

AMRAP in 15 Minutes
25 Double Unders
15 Wall Ball Shots
10 KBS Guys @ 55 Gals @ 35
Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3
Weighted Pull Ups 5-5-5-5-5

On the Minute for 12 Minutes
100 m sprint
15 Push Ups

"Cement Legs"
5 Rounds for Time
12 Thrusters Guys @ 95 Gals @ 65
50' Forward Sled Drag
15 Burpees
50' Backward Sled Drag