Wednesday, October 26, 2011

October 27, 2011

Sorry for the unscheduled closures.  My son was sick and I stayed home to take care of him. Anyone who knows Hayden knows it takes a lot to keep him down.  Nasty business!

I would like to remind you of the closures on this Thursday and next week.  I will be training at a different facility as a substitute trainer for the following week.  Sorry for the inconvenience.  I am trying to find someone who would be able to open the facility after schools.  In the meantime we are still open at lunch hours.  Stay tuned for developments.

The after school credit program will be starting next week.  If you are in need of a few extra credits and are currently looking to learn how to workout or are working out then come and book an appointment to go through the requirements.

Program 1 - Tabata 8 rounds of 20 seconds activity:10 seconds rest - Week 1 of 3

Day 3 - Med Ball Thruster (20/20)/Med Ball Clean (20/20)/Med Ball Kayakers (20/20)/Stationary Lunge

Program 2 - Day Off
Program 3 - Conquest
A. Snatch Balance 8 x 2
B. 21-15-9
Front Squat 95/65
Clean Pulls 95/65