Monday, September 24, 2012

September 24, 2012

Conquest and the LCI Fitness Center is excited to announce that we have found week to week supervision for Wednesday after school.  Check the Conquest site every Monday to see if Wednesday will be open for training and access after school. 

We are truly fortunate to have Patrick Bartoshyk donating his time to come in and keep the facility open.  Patrick is a dedicated student at the University of Lethbridge and an extremely knowledgeable trainer and athlete.  He has a tremendous amount of knowledge to offer and share, so be sure to come in and take advantage of this opportunity.  He will be available for assistance with all facets of the fitness center from rowing to lifting to CrossFit.  On behalf of myself, the LCI and the fitness center users, we thank you for the time you have offered to us.

Up Coming Hours Changes For This Week
Wednesday - September 26 Closed during the day only.  THIS WEEK OPEN AFTER SCHOOL
Thursday - October 4 - Closed all day - Mr. Gillespie is away

This will be the final week of program 1 and 2.  There will be new programming up for next week.  Keep tracking your results and staying consistent!

Program 1: Interval Basis (week 3 of 3)
- This was formally a Tabata protocol program but I have switched it up to cover a wider range of intervals and energy systems. Tabata will still be mixed into the programming, but will not form the basis. These workouts are primarily all bodyweight based and designed to be done including warm up in 30 minutes.
Day 1. 20 rounds For Time 3 Burpees & 5 Squats
Day 2. Tabata - Push up, Sit Up, Box Jumps, Double Unders (double skips) **6 rounds per exercise
Day 3. 6 x 200 m run. 1:1 activity to Rest Ratio
Day 4. Tabata - Ring Row, Dip, Fist Twists, Star Jumps **6 rounds per exercise

Program 2: Weightlifting(week 3 of 3)
This is a basic weightlifting program. It is designed to get your body ready for further programs that have more volume, higher intensities and more complex formats. It will run as follows for 3 weeks
Day 1.
Back Squat 5 x 10
Swiss Ball Hamstring Curl 4 x 12 (30 sec rest between)
Step Ups 4 x 8/leg to 20" box
Standing Calf Raise 1x20, 1x15, 1x10, 1x5
Sit Ups 4 x 20

Day 2.
Bench Press 5 x 10
Cuban Press 4 x 12 (30 sec rest between)
Flat Flies4 x 8
Alternate Dbell Curl 4 x 8-10/arm
Leg Raise 4 x 10

Day 3.
Deadlift 5 x 10
Split Squat 4 x 8
Pull Ups/Pull Downs 4 x 10
Barbell Shrug 4 x 12
Plank Hold 4 x 1:00 min

Day 4.
Overhead Press 5 x 10
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 4 x 8
Close Grip Bench Press 4 x8-12
Upright Barbell Row 4 x 8
Wide Grip Seated Row 4 x 8
Open Hip Sit Up 4 x 15

Program 3: CrossFit Lethbridge & Conquest modified wod
- See what CFLA is up to today. For true CrossFit workouts from a real CrossFit box that knows its stuff. Allows you to check your results with other athletes and individuals within the CF community. You can do this by checking the cfla website and going into that days comments. Conquest will offer a modified wod of the cfla wod for younger and less experienced individuals
A) Overhead Squat- 3 sets of 5 reps
B) Snatch Balance- 5 sets of 2 reps. If you feel comfortable, work on a 1RM.
C) 3 rounds of:
500m row
12 power snatch (95/65)
12 plyo pushups
A) Back Squat 3 x 5
B) Snatch Grip Push Press 5 x 2
C) 3 Rounds for Time
500 m row
12 Sumo Deadlift High Pull
12 Push Ups

Program 4:
- What am I up to.
"Vanity and Mobility"
A1. Close Grip Bench Press 5 x 8
A2. Dips 5 x Failure
B1. Alternate DB Curls 5 x 3
B2. Alternate DB Curls 5 x 8 (same movement drop weight to lighter)
C.  Stretching and rolling.  I am having some knee flare ups and need to rest it.  I have nothing against accessory training, but rarely put it on it's own day