Friday, March 29, 2019

Testimonials Page Now Up and Running

Hi Everyone,
As registration rapidly approaches for the 2019-2020 school year, I thought it important that I draw your attention to a new feature page on our website.  We now have a testimonials area! 

This is a collection of candid thoughts of what some of the program graduates think about the program, the facility, the teachings, the coach/teacher and all things that have to do with LCI Fitness. 

If you are unsure if we are the program for you ......and need help making a choice to pursue an option course  focused on providing you with the tools needed to pursue any avenue of fitness and improve all areas of your life; I urge you to have a look at the page.  It is located under the "About Us" tab in the menus or you can also jump their through this link or paste the following URL in your browser:

Hope to see many new faces joining our community in the near future and continuing a proud legacy of fitness, health and wellness for all.