If you are looking for an opportunity to become involved i, and or compete, in the sport of Olympic Weightlifting then here is an opportunity that is available for young lifters. Please see the poster below for information.
If you are looking for an opportunity to become involved i, and or compete, in the sport of Olympic Weightlifting then here is an opportunity that is available for young lifters. Please see the poster below for information.
Over the years, the LCIABA have been pivotal in creating the space that many of us call home. This group of amazing people work tirelessly every year to raise funds and provide equipment and opportunities for LCI and LCI Students. If you have a moment, please take time to drop them a line and say thank you. lcialumniandbooster@gmail.com
Also check out their website for all things LCI and opportunities to give back to the LCI community via the LCIABA. LCI Alumni & Booster Association | Forever GREEN & GOLD
All users will require a pair of clean indoor shoes to train in. With caretaking shortages and the number of students who come through the space, it is very difficult to keep up with the amount of mess being tracked in. Furthermore, the fastest way to wreck equipment is dirt, rocks, pebbles and other organic material getting into the equipment. Users who are discovered without proper clean footwear will be issued a warning on their first offence and will be asked to leave on the second offence. You will be welcome to return once you have clean shoes that you can show the supervision staff. If you are unable to afford a pair of clean shoes, then please speak to Mr. Gillespie to have him help facilitate getting you a pair of shoes. :)
LCI Fitness will be closed between Jan 14 and February 2 for clean up and equipment maintenance. There will be no facility access between those dates. this is an important time for the space as we take all equipment that requires maintenance, upkeep, cleaning, repairs and complete it during the break. Once again, another reason our gym is one of the best in the city and province!
Regular hours will resume on February 3 (supervisor dependent). New schedule of hours for semester 2 will be posted to the website by Jan 29 for you to use as a planning guide. The facility is always closed the day before a long weekend, parent teacher interview days and on PL days.
Semester 1 users DO NOT require a new waiver for semester 2. If you new to us, then a waiver form is required and can either be printed from the website or picked up from Mr. Gillespie in the fitness center office.
If you have any questions, please let me know
The meeting will gauge interest, provide information about the program, times, philosophy, waivers, etc. If you are a lady looking to access the space during a time when just ladies are in the space, then this student run and led club is the club for you! Come and check it out :)
Additional information will be posted in the future in the Women's Weightlifting tab in the menu bar of the website. Communication will be sent out via Teams. There is also a notice board outside of the fitness center where info will be posted for individuals who do not have digital access.
Start up hours for users is set to kick off on Sept. 9 as opening day for lunch hour and September 16 for full hours lunch/afterschool. As always, hours are posted on the site and on the door outside the Fitness Center. All information about operations can be found under the "About Us" drop menu.
You will require a waiver form to use the space. Waivers can be accessed on the sidebar menu link (large picture that says waiver). Waiver forms can also be accessed directly by clicking the link HERE. You will need to complete a physical copy of the waiver and bring it to the Fitness Center prior to using the space. You may also stop in at the Fitness Center and pick up a copy of the waiver to take home, fill in and return.
We are still looking for some students to take on the Women's Weightlifting Program. This initiative is student run, developed, and administered. Staff is available to support the initiative. If you are interested in being a part of this club, then please stop by for a visit or reach out via email
Our online store is still up and running and can be accessed from the sidebar menu. Orders are placed directly through the online store and are delivered to the school within 2 weeks of ordering. if you are looking to pick up a shirt, my recommendation is the Next Level brand shirt. It is the one I have specifically requested be placed in the store due to quality, feel and the fact that it is an amazing training shirt (plus it is not the fabric that will pull the stink right out of you). The Next Level specific shirt can be accessed directly at the this link for you to customize. Click HERE
As a reminder, the facility use is FREE! However, we do survive on donations to help with costs of maintaining and upkeeping the space. If you would like to donate to the program, you can access the donation page and information by clicking the link HERE. This link will provide you options to donate either online through SchoolCash Online or in person at LCI. If making a donations online please indicate the Fund Destination as "LCI" and the Message to the School Board as "LCI Fitness Center". Something to note is that SchoolCash does skim 4% off every donation made through the service. This does not effect smaller denominations but would have a large impact on sizeable donations. If you would like to discuss donations without utilizing SchoolCash, then please send me an email.
If you have any questions, please email me through the contact form on the sidebar menu Contact Form. the contact form links directly to my email and I will get back to you with a reply usually within 24 hours.
I am looking forward to seeing old faces, welcoming new faces and helping to spread the good word of training related endeavors to as many people as possible. See you all soon
This year saw numerous graduates moving on from high school. They will all be missed and each year it leaves a hole in our community. A hole, that year after year, a new group steps up to fill. This is how our community continues to grow and evolve. Even when those students are gone, they are never forgotten as a part of our community. It's the people year after year that bring me back and keep my heart smiling. It's the people that make this space great - lifting and training is what connects us.
See you all in the Fall and enjoy the Summer. Remember that just because our doors are closed doesn't mean the training stops!!!