This is week 2 of the following protocol. Individuals should have experienced this last week, but if not jump in today. Utilize the 1 RM that we found last week to calculate the load you will lift today. Go as for into the ladder as you can go, but if you are unsuccessful at any time then that is the end of the wave for you. Remember that being unsuccessful can mean not being able to lift the weight, but also the breakdown of technique/form. Rest time will 2-3 min between sets and 4 min between waves
A. Wave Ladders (by Christian Thibaudeau)
Wave 1
1x2@ 88%
1x1@ 92%
Wave 2
1x3@ 85+ 20lbs
1x2@ 88+ 20
1x1@ 92+ 20 lbs
Wave 3
1x3@ 85+ 30 lbs
1x2@ 88+30 lbs
92+30 lbs
B. 10 minute time cap
2000 m row
AMRAP double unders
**Score is double unders completed within the time cap
Monday, November 18, 2013
November 18, 2013
11/18/2013 10:48:00 AM
Cory Gillespie