Today is self invented national tribute day to The Little Engine That Could. Can you?
A. Wave Ladders (by Christian Thibaudeau)
Using your 1 rm follow the protocol listed below. Move as far down the ladder as possible. If you fail on a round that is where you stop and move to part B. This is the last week of the 3 week phase of training. Next week we will look to establish a new 1 RM before taking some time to deload. After this week of training, mark your progress and set goals for the following weeks testing. Rest time will 2-3 min between sets and 4 min between waves
Wave 1
1x3@ 85%
1x2@ 88%
1x1@ 92%
Wave 2
1x3@ 85+ 20lbs
1x2@ 88+ 20 lbs
1x1@ 92+ 20 lbs
Wave 3
1x3@ 85+ 30 lbs
1x2@ 88+30 lbs
1x1@ 92+30 lbs
B. EMOM 20 minutes
Even minutes: 3 Thrusters (115/85) 4 Bar facing Burpees
Odd Minutes: 5 Pull Ups 10 Box Jumps (24/20)
If you cannot complete in the minute you must move ahead at the start of the next minute to the associated movements. Each minute then becomes how much of that minutes items can you complete in that minute. In other words, there is no out, just less volume in each minute if you cannot maintain the pace.
C. Hollow Position Hold to failure
rest 30 seconds
Side Hollow Hold to Failure (right side)
rest 30 seconds
Side Hollow Hold to Failure (other side:left)
Sunday, November 24, 2013
November 25, 2013
11/24/2013 08:01:00 PM
Cory Gillespie