Monday, September 15, 2014

September 16, 2014

Today is the first day of open gym time and lifting orientation.  Orientation will run this week, and a repeat of sessions next week, to help familiarize students with the facility and the basics of movement.  If you miss these first 2 weeks, then you will need to wait for the November round of orientation and movement instruction if you are seeking assistance with your training and integration into the fitness center.  If you are already familiar with the facilities and with training you are welcome to start at any time.  Orientation sessions are meant for those who are unfamiliar or new to training.  All levels are welcome and new members are encouraged (remember it doesn't cost you anything to be a member but your time :)).  Sessions run from 3:15-4:30   Please do not be late!!
Week 1
Tues - September 16 - 3:15-4:30 (Squat)
Wed - September 17 - 3:15-4:30 (Deadlift)
Thurs - September 18 - 3:15-4:30 (Bench Press/Overhead Press)
Week 2 (Repeat of week 1)
Tues - September 16 - 3:15-4:30 (Squat)
Wed - September 17 - 3:15-4:30 (Deadlift)
Thurs - September 18 - 3:15-4:30 (Bench Press/Overhead Press)

Waiver forms can be picked up in advance from Mr. Gillespie in the fitness center or can be printed online from the fitness website by click the waiver form link on the right hand side of the page (image in this post is not linked) 

The fitness center is a free service offered at the LCI, but donations help keep us going from year to year.  The online donation link is on the right hand side of the page (image in this post is not linked) or donations can be brought in person to Mrs. Laura Kerr (business manager) in the main office.