Monday, October 20, 2014

October 20 - 25, 2014

Here is the final program of phase 1.  The lifts are the same with the same rep schemes and time under tensions.  Changes have been made to some of the conditioning areas, but the integrity of each one is still there.  This will allow you to chart progress, set goals and continue moving ahead.

Click the google doc link to go to this weeks programming here
The direct link to copy and paste into the browser is below:

The google doc version has notes listed in the side bar, but for a quick overview you can see below.  Due to formatting, the notes column is not on the quickview below and has instructions for weights, hand positions and other tips.  Please access the google doc version for your training info.

Day 1 Sets x Reps Rest Time
A. Back Squat 4 x 6-8 1-2 min between sets
Exercises with same letter are done as supersets with rest taken after the last exercise eg. B1, B2 then rest
B1. Wide Stance Good Mornings 4 x 10
B2. Foam Roller Bridged Hamstring Curls 4 x 10 1-2 min between sets
C. Pbar Strict Leg Raise 4 x Fail 1 min between sets
For Time (done in ladder format)
Air Squat      25-20-15-10-5
Sit Ups           5-10-15-20-25
Day 2
A. Overhead Press 4 x 6-8 1-2 min between sets
Exercises with same letter are done as supersets with rest taken after the last exercise eg. B1, B2 then rest
B1. Close Grip Bench Press 4 x 6
B2. Dip Under 4 xfail 1-2 min between sets
3 Rounds for Time
12 Push Press
10 Burpees
Day 3
A. Deadlift 4 x 6-8 1-2 min between sets
Exercises with same letter are done as supersets with rest taken after the last exercise eg. B1, B2 then rest
B1. Bent Over Pronated Grip Barbell Rows 4 x 8
B2. Banded Throat Rows 4 x 10 1-2 min between sets
C. Reverse Grip Scott Curls 4 x 10 1 min between sets
5 Rounds for time
 5 KBS
5 Flag Pole Raises
5 Max Height Star Jumps
Day 4 Sets x Reps Rest Time
A. Bench Press 4 x 6-8 1-2 min between sets
B. Incline Dbell with Rotation 4 x 6-8 1-2 min between sets
C. Plyo Depth Push Ups 40 for time Rest as needed
Chest to Deck Push Ups
Box Jumps
Day 5
A. Front Squat 4 x 6-8 1-2 min between sets
B. Hang Power Clean 6 x 3 1-2 min between sets
C. Jack Knives with ball holds 4 x fail 1 min between sets
AMRAP 5 min
Day 6
Day 7