Sunday, October 5, 2014

October 6-10, 2014

Hi Gang
I am excited for us all to get started and begin working towards the goal of being bigger, faster and stronger.  I appreciate your patience in waiting for programming to begin.  School start up has been very busy and it seems this year we are getting going a little later than normal.  As in years past, programming will run through numerous phases working towards a final peak around Christmas time.  After Christmas we will start a second program that will peak in June.
Here is phase 1 of this years programming.  Phase 1 will last 3 weeks in duration and I will post minor changes to the phases at the beginning of each week so be sure to check the program link at the start of each week, as weeks will be similar but not exact.

Items to pay attention to:
- Adhere to prescribed rest times between exercises
- Follow programming in the order it is written and in the sets x rep ranges listed
- Different letter exercises are done independently.  Same letter exercises are done as super sets with one after the other prior to taking rest times.
- Notes are listed on the program sheets to help answer questions about movements and guide you to key points of performance to get the movement right.
- Some conditioning workouts have weights listed but you should always use loads that are right for you and not just the one on the program because it is on the program.  If in the facility I will help you adjust weights, but if on your own be sure to use technique over intensity every time
- You get out what you put in.  Work hard and the results will come on their own.  The programs you?

Program Phase 1 week 1 (downloadable link)

Day 1 Sets x Reps Rest Time Notes
A. Back Squat 4 x 6-8 1-2 min between sets
Exercises with same letter are done as supersets with rest taken after the last exercise eg. B1, B2 then rest
B1. Wide Stance Good Mornings 4 x 10 Weight centered on heals
B2. Foam Roller Bridged Hamstring Curls 4 x 10 1-2 min between sets Use both heals on roller if need.  Arms at sides flat on floor
C. Pbar Strict Leg Raise 4 x Fail 1 min between sets Elevate as high as you can
For Time (done in ladder format)
Air Squat      30-20-10 Body weight
Sit Ups           10-20-30
Day 2
A. Overhead Press 4 x 6-8 1-2 min between sets
Exercises with same letter are done as supersets with rest taken after the last exercise eg. B1, B2 then rest
B1. Close Grip Bench Press 4 x 6 Pointer finger touching smooth part of bar but not on smooth area
B2. Dip Under 4 xfail 1-2 min between sets Shoulder width hand position.  Elbows stay in line with shoulders
3 Rounds for Time
8 Push Press
10 Burpees 12" reach for each burpee jump
Day 3
A. Deadlift 4 x 6-8 1-2 min between sets
Exercises with same letter are done as supersets with rest taken after the last exercise eg. B1, B2 then rest
B1. Bent Over Pronated Grip Barbell Rows 4 x 8 Pinky touches first ring on barbell for grip width
B2. Banded Throat Rows 4 x 10 1-2 min between sets Blue/Red band
C. Reverse Grip Scott Curls 4 x 10 1 min between sets Drag up body focus on brachialis
7 Rounds for time
5 KBS 30/20 lbs
5 Flag Pole Raises
5 Max Height Star Jumps
Day 4 Sets x Reps Rest Time Notes
A. Bench Press 4 x 6-8 1-2 min between sets
B. Incline Dbell with Rotation 4 x 6-8 1-2 min between sets  Palms facing to palms pronated at lockout
C. Plyo Depth Push Ups 40 for time Rest as needed Height will vary.  Minimum 4"
Chest to Deck Push Ups
Box Jumps 20"/14"
Day 5
A. Front Squat 4 x 6-8 1-2 min between sets
B. Hang Clean 6 x 3 1-2 min between sets Drop each rep.  Use clean deadlift to get to top and practice positioning
C. Jack Knives with ball holds 4 x fail 1 min between sets Ball must remain held between knees during entire set
AMRAP 2 min
Thruster 55 lbs/35 lbs
rest 1 min
AMRAP 2 min
Wall Ball Shot 14 lbs/10 lbs to 8' or 9'
rest 1 min
AMRAP 1 min
Thruster 45 lbs/22 lbs
Rest 1 min
AMRAP 1 min
Wall Ball Shot 12 lbs /8 lbs
Day 6
Day 7