Hello All,
Those of you who have been following the generalized lift program from the board can access the second phase from that program by clicking here
The first 2 phases looked like this for those who have not been in attendance in the Fitness Center
Generalized Lift Program Phase 1 (4 weeks in
Day 1
Bench Press................................................. 3
x 8 - 10
Incline DB Press............................................ 3
x 8 - 10
Push Ups...................................................... 3
x fail
Barbell Curls................................................. 3
x 8 - 10
Alternate DB Curl.......................................... 3
x 6 - 8
Posterior Core
Supermans................................................... 3
x 30 sec on 30 sec off
Hanging Back Extension................................ 3
x 8
Day 2
Squat........................................................... 3
x 8 - 10
Step Back Lunge........................................... 3
x 8 - 10
Step Up........................................................ 3
x 8 - 10
Foam Roller Hamstring Curls......................... 3
x fail
Standing Calf Raise....................................... 4
x 12 - 15
Anterior Core
3 minutes Hollow Hold/Rock
Day 3
Rest Day
Day 4
Overhead Press............................................ 3
x 8 - 10
Upright Row................................................. 3
x 8 - 10
Plate Squat Press.......................................... 3
x fail
Close Grip Bench Press................................. 3
x 8 - 10
Pressdowns................................................. 3
x 10 - 12
Posterior Core
Reverse Hypers............................................ 4
x 8 - 10
Day 5
Deadlift........................................................ 3
x 8 - 10
Back Extensions............................................ 3
x 8 - 10
Pull Ups........................................................ 3
x Fail
Seated Row.................................................. 3
x 8 - 10
Shrug........................................................... 3
x 10
Anterior Core
3 minutes accumulated time Plank/Extended Plank/Rocking Plank
Generalized Lift Program Phase 2 (4 weeks in
Day 1
Incline Bench Press ...................................... 4
x 6
Flat DB Press ................................................ 4
x 6
Cable Crossover ........................................... 4
x 10
Preacher Curls ............................................. 4
x 6-8
Hammer Bar Curl ......................................... 4
x 6
Super Hollow Roll Overs ............................... 4
x 10 rolls
Day 2
Power Stance Squat ..................................... 4
x 6
Step Back Lunge .......................................... 4
x 6/leg
Double Step Up ........................................... 4
x 10/leg
Reverse Hyperextension ............................. 4
x 15
Seated Calf Raise ......................................... 4
x 12
Evil Wheels .................................................. 4
x 15
Slamballs ..................................................... 4
x 15
Day 3
OFF Day – Mobility and technical work
Day 4
Seated DB Press .......................................... 4
x 6
Plate Raise ................................................... 4
x 8
Wall Walk Ups .............................................. 5
x 3
Reverse Bench Press ................................... 4
x 6
Overhead Rope Extension ........................... 4
x 8
3 Position Superman Ball Touches ................ 4
x 10 (30 total ball touches per set)
Day 5
Negative Pull Up .......................................... 4
x 5
Trap Bar Deadlift .......................................... 4
x 6
Seated Row ................................................. 4
x 6-8
Face Pulls .................................................... 4
x 8
DB Shrug ..................................................... 4
x 8-10
Hollow Hold/Rock ........................................ 3
min. total accumulated time