Hi Everyone,
Sorry for the delay on getting phase 2 up on the site for you. Here is phase 2. Please view the program notes section in the program for relevant information on rest times, tempos and how to read the program.
A couple quick words as to the why of things:
The initial program was put out in order to allow individuals to learn positioning and the feel of movements. To take some much needed time and become aware of how to fire certain areas, the order in which muscles need to fire for good movement, create sound biomechanics in regards to knee position and overhead stability in movement.It may seem a little slow out of the gates, but there is method to the madness. This phase takes us a little further into training, but still has a factors in the need for fixing imbalances, increasing our awareness and learning how movements should feel when the right muscles are activated. Moral of the story - we are learning to walk before we run.
Here is phase 2