Friday, March 13, 2020

Cleaning and Disinfecting

Hello LCI Fitness Community,
At this time we are still open afterschools, but hours may see interruptions or modifications in the future depending on the directives of Alberta Health Services, Alberta Education and Lethbridge School Division #51. 

Please be extra vigilant with cleaning and disinfecting all equipment after use.  There are spray bottles and rags of commercial disinfectant placed all around the gym and hand sanitizer located at the exit door.  Helping to keep our facility clean and wiped down is everyone's responsibility and we all need to lend a hand!  Staff (myself and caretaking team) are taking extra precautions to wipe equipment throughout the day to help with the safety of users.

As information comes out that effects the ability to access the fitness center, it will be posted to this site for Fitness Center users to view.  All information will be direct reflections and reposts of information coming down from above and not my interpretations. 

If you have any questions, please direct them to the board office and administration at LCI.