Monday, December 14, 2009

Being Better

In the quest to being better we need to sometimes do more than we think we should. This may seem contradictory to what I eluded to in yesterdays post, but I'll explain. If we always seek the easy way out we never learn to take the difficult winding path. Sometimes a workout may appear insurmountable to begin with, but that could be just what you need in order to psychologically prove to yourself that you have the ability to accomplish what you set your mind to. Will it take 3 minutes? 5 minutes? 45 minutes? It takes as long as it takes. The important part is yo attempt to finish it the way it was written from time to time. Scales are important in order to continue to meet your base fitness needs at the level you are currently at, but just as scales are a necessity so is battling through a difficult workout you would normally have chose to scale.

Deadlift 3-3-3-3 (80% 1 RM)
Press 3-3-3-3 (75% 1RM)
Rest 4 minutes
Clean & Jerk (Push or Split) 1-1-1-1 (100%+)