Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Sedentary Files: Part 4

So far I have gone along looking at everyone but the individual. Yet, is that not in the end where the blame should fall? Yes, they are kids and do not always make the best choices, but that does not excuse them from fault of their fate. It seems fairly plain and obvious to the general population - eat poor, no exercise, get fat, have health problems eventually die as a result. A logical sequence, no?

In the end an individual needs to make a choice on their own to become active and to take their own health and life in their own hands. If not for themselves then for those who care about them. Despite the influence of society, parents, role models, opportunities, technology, etc. the choice is still in the eye of the beholder. So to sum it all up kids need to get up off their lazy butt and get active of their own accord.

Back Squat 1-1-1
Rest 2 Minutes
3 rounds for time of
300 m run
75 Fist twists
rest 1 minute
* Record each round