Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wild Wednesday

Work the technique aspect of the clean today rather than going for max poundage. The bar always travels in a straight path and I would like everyone to primarily work on staying tall and long. Wait for the hips to be fully engaged before beginning the pull on the bar into the high pull portion of the movement. Remember that you are pulling yourself down and under the bar rather than pulling the bar up to your shoulders.

For the thrusters please ensure that you ht proper depth every time. The load is light so that you can handle it and move fast, but not at the sacrifice of good form.

Scroll down to see the 2 opportunities from CrossFit Lethbridge:
1. Look Feel Perform Better Challenge (initial nutrition session January 11 at 7:00)
2. Pose Running Seminar

Don't Forget:
The Shirt logo link is up and running. Feel free to check them out and leave your choices in the comments area. If you have already sent me your choices then please disregard.

Cleans 5-5-5-5
rest 2-4 minutes
75 Thrusters for Time Guys at 45 gals @ 30