Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Evolution of Athlete to Coach

As I spoke before this was an interesting weekend for me, full of new experiences. I have always been on the athlete side of the competitive fence. This weekend I was forced to stand on the other side and either sit and sulk over what could not be or step up and coach our athletes. I chose the later and coached as best I could.

I have never found a sport that I have been involved in coaching that has ever inspired passion in me. This was a first! Knowing that potentially what I say to an athlete, what I instruct or yell, what I do, could mean improved or weakened performance. I could feel electricity in the air and it gave me goosebumps. I felt like I battled the wod's with the athletes and at the end of the day I was exhausted. I now have an appreciation for why people coach and why they enjoy it. I will always be an athlete first and a coach second, but as time ticks on I need to begin looking at the transition of competitive athlete to coach and coming to grips with that transition.

I have a lot to learn about what constitutes a good coach, but I am learning. The more people allow me to coach them and people provide feedback the better coach I can become. Even after this weekend I can look back in retrospect and know things I would repeat, things I would leave out and methods of handling athletes and competition that I did not know before.

I look forward to the transition.....just not ready yet.

Back Squat 3-3-3
Deadlift 2-2-2
Bench Press 1-1