Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Bodyweight Blitzkreig

I often tell people that the best piece of exercise equipment they could ever utilize is their own bodies. Your body holds enough weight and bends in enough angles that you can manipulate it to give you intense workouts. Hence, the movement in some circles towards yoga, pilates and aerobics. The human body is truly an amazing machine that when utilized properly can have tremendous results. Weighted movements have a place for sure as do many other mediums of fitness. Today will show you that with the upcoming Easter Break that you have the ability to have great workouts no matter where you are.

For Time
40 Pull Ups
40 Push Ups
20 Double Unders
40 Sit Ups
40 Mountain Climbers
20 Double Unders
40 Squat Jacks
40 Push Ups
20 Double Unders