Monday, March 1, 2010

March 2, 2010

T-shirts are up for ordering. The cost is $20/shirt and money raised helps to improve our Conquest facility. See the logos page for shirt mock ups and email me any questions you may have.

We will be further working on refining our skills in the clean today. Please try to be in attendance and through warm up by 3:20 so that we can work through the progressions as a group. The focus of the 2 reps is not to necessarily hit a maximum weight for 2 reps, but more to handle some poundage and work on technique within a number that allows us to view 1 lift, make corrections and take a second attempt. This doesn't mean you get off easy, it just means you need to train smart and choose an acceptable weight.

Cleans 2-2-2-2
On the minute until you can no longer complete the complex in the minute (25 min. cap)
Guys @ 105 Gals @ 65
5 Deadlift
5 Hang Power Clean
5 Press/Push Press