There has been a bit of a change of plan based on the review of the wod's for this week. Tabata Ugly has become a little less ugly, but by no means easy.
Once again, a reminder that shirts are up on sale. The goal is to sell 50 shirts. We are currently at 11 shirts pre-ordered, which means we have a long road to go. Keep on pushing and keep those orders coming in!
"Success is the sum of all small efforts, repeated day in and day out" - Robert Collier
"They can because they think they can" - Virgil
Tabata a Little Less Ugly
Thruster Guys @ 65 Gals @ 45
rest 1 minute
Pull Ups
rest 1 minute
Front Squat Guys @ 85 Gals @ 55
rest 1 minute
Kettle Bell Swing Guys @ 55 Gals @ 35