Welcome back everyone. Just a few reminders that there will be Conquest programming available for everyday this year, but I am only available Mon, Tues, Thurs for coaching. Sessions begin promptly at 3:15 and go until 4:15. If you cannot make the start time, then Conquest asks you to wait for the next session or come in on your own. Make the comittment to yourself and the group, that this is a priority and you will be there at all costs on the days you plan to be. You deserve it!
Today will be the first of 2 fundamental sessions. Whether or not you have been a member of Conquest in the past, it is a good idea to go back through the basics of learning and refining movement. No one ever moves totally perfect and thus there is always room for improvement, even in elite athletes.
At Conquest, and at CrossFit Lethbridge, we put emphasis on a 3 different components when it comes to training. They govern what we do and help to keep us safe.
The first of which is technique. Technique is imperative when it comes to moving weights. It does not matter whether or not you are strong enough to get by. Movement proficiency helps to keep us safe and also helps to keep us proficiently efficient. Learn your technique and adhere to a strict standard. It is your best friend when it comes to health and longevity in injury free training.
The second is Intensity. Intensity may only be amplified once technique has been mastered. Increasing intensity before you have a movement mastered is a recipe for disaster. It's kind of like starring in a Broadway play without learning your lines. You might get by fora bit but sooner or later, you will fall apart.
The final component is to increase the volume. An increase in volume at too early a stage will leave you sore, cranky and worst of all, feeling like you never want to come back. Allow some time of moderate exercise before you begin adding a bunch of extra material and weight to what it is that you are doing.
When starting a new exercise protocol slow and steady always wins the race!
Fundamental Movement