Today's WOD will be very simple. For some it may be a bit of a push, but for others just enough to get a good sweat on. Such is the beauty of Conquest. Find your level and push it. It will be totally body weight oriented and utilized to get you moving again. It is always very difficult to get back in the saddle when getting out of bed makes you hate life. We want to challenge you and not kill you. The use of body weight exercises is a great way to get the blood pumping without the potential of injury. This does not mean a person can't get injured, but makes the risk of such injury very low.
There are 3 levels available for this workout.
Beginner = Haven't moved in a loooonnnngggg time. Just looking to get started again
Intermediate = I work out sometimes and am active in my spare time
Advanced = I have adhered to an exercise program for some time and confident in my conditioning
Choose accordingly based on your fitness and ability level.
Day 2 Foundations course will go tomorrow at 3:15 in the Fitness Center. Even if you missed the first session please attend. You can pick the first session up next week. If you cannot make this session either then you have one more shot next week and then will have to wait until October.
On the Minute for 10 Minutes (beginner) 14 Minutes (Intermediate) 16 Minutes (advanced)
5 Push Ups
10 Sit Ups
15 Air Squats