Tuesday, December 13, 2011

December 13, 2011

One of the toughest things to do in a box jump is to find rhythm and to overcome the fear of not crashing.  Fear is something that goes away with practice, time and gaining competency in a movement.  Rhythm also will develop, but there are a few things you can do to help keep rhythm.

1.  Do not look down at your box.  Look straight ahead when jumping and sight the box out of the bottom of your line of vision.  This way you still see the box, but never end up off balance by looking down or putting your head in front of your general center of mass.
2.  Until you find rhythm, utilize your arms to create the rhythm.  Use a natural jump to come on top of the box with arms swinging through.  Once on top of the box and jumping off a back swing of the arms will help to open the hips and reload for the next jump.  As you hit the ground and begin to absorb force, fire the arms forward and let the natural jumping reaction of the body take over.  Once you find the rhythm you can find find a style all your own that wastes a little less energy.  However, no rhythm is a bigger waste of energy than slow rhythm and lost energy to arm movement.

Week 2 of 3

Program 1 Tabata

Day 1 MB Thruster/MB Clean/MB Sit Under/MB Russian Twist (20/14)
Day 2 Pull Up/Sprawl/V Sit/Box Jump
Day 3 Plyo Lunge/Handstand Push Up/Dip Under/Air Squat
Day 4 Double Under/Wall Ball Shot/Ball Slams/Push Wall Touch

Program 2 Strength
Up 1
A1 Bench Press
Week 2 4,3,3,3 (No Tempo)
Week 3 3,3,2,2 (No Tempo)
B1 Incline Dbells w/ Rotation 3 6-8 (2,1,1,1)
B2 Cable X-Overs 3x8-10 (3,1,x,1)
C1 Triceps Pressdown 4x20

Program 3 Conquest
A. Deadlift 1 RM  take 50% after finding 1 RM and AMRAP unbroken
B. For Time
50 Wall Ball Shots
50 Clean Pulls
50 Box Jumps
50 Back Extension
50 Knees to Elbows
50 Double Unders
50 Supermans