Tuesday, December 6, 2011

December 6, 2011

Sorry for the short posts lately.  Just getting caught up on some work that has deadlines.  Good posts will resume soon.  In the meantime a little snippet for you is a nutritional snack item that is easy to make and tastes super good!
Krema 11% MF Greek Yogurt, Chia Seeds (can purchase at Costco in the vitamin section - big time Omega 3 fats), Motts unsweetened no sugar added fruit cups, and a blob of creamed honey.  Use the cream instead of the liquid.  The liquid may mix better, but the cream honey stays as blobs of yummy goodness.  Give it a try and you won't be disappointed.

Not Promoting this but check out this add.  I wonder why we have a nation full of up and coming diabetics.  Read the fine print beside the JDRF

Program 1 Tabata

Day 1 MB Thruster/MB Clean/MB Sit Under/MB Russian Twist (20/14)
Day 2 Pull Up/Sprawl/V Sit/Box Jump
Day 3 Plyo Lunge/Handstand Push Up/Dip Under/Air Squat
Day 4 Double Under/Wall Ball Shot/Ball Slams/Push Wall Touch

Program 2 Strength
Up 1
A1 Bench Press
Week 1 4,4,3,3 (No Tempo)
B1 Incline Dbells w/ Rotation 3 6-8 (2,1,1,1)
B2 Cable X-Overs 3x8-10 (3,1,x,1)
C1 Triceps Pressdown 4x20

Program 3
A. Split or Push Jerk 2 RM
B. 30 Reps of the Ultimate Lift For Time
C. 150 Double Unders for Time