Wednesday, May 2, 2012

May 2, 2012

This will be the last major time away this year.  I am off to the phys ed conference in Camrose, Thursday through Saturday.  Please use the archives for a wod to select.  There is also the hopper sucker bucket with ping pong balls that have exercises reps and rounds on them.  You can create your wod from there if you like.  All is completely back to normal on Monday for the remainder of the year.

A. Snatch Grip Deadlift
5 x 10 reps
B. Tabata (8 rounds 20 sec on 10 sec rest)
Alternate hand Med ball Push Ups
Med Ball Lying Leg Raise (Lay flat on the floor ball goes between feet.  If too heavy move towards knee or remove ball)_
Med Ball Push Press with Throw (no squat - Release ball at top of movement)
Overhead Med Ball Lunge