Sunday, May 6, 2012

May 7, 2012

Wow, this has been a crazy busy 2 weeks.  I am super happy to be done going out of town and to get back into the swing of things.  Thank you for your patience during my absence, now let's get back to training and making gains!  Program 1 and program 2 individuals should now be entering week 2 of programming and looking to improve on established weights from the previous week.

Program 1 Tabata
Day 1 - Push Up/High Pull (45/45)/Push Press (45/45)/Leg Scissors
Day 2 - Sit Up/Box Jump (20/14)/Pull Up/Back Extension
Day 3 - Med Ball Thruster (20/20)/Med Ball Clean (20/20)/Med Ball Kayakers (20/20)/Stationary Lunge
Day 4 - Burpees/Double Unders/Air Squat/Knees to Elbows
Program 2 Strength and Power
1. Power cleans 4 x 3r
Push jerks 4 x 5 r
Good Mornings
Glute Ham Raise 3 x 5 r
Plate Raise ss. Laterals 3 x 5
Heavy abs

2. 3 sets of sprints @ 50, 100, 200, 400, 200, 100 1:1 rest ratio
3. Snatch 4 x 3 r
Explosive rows 4 x 8 r
Speed Deadlifts 10 x 1
Glute/Ham 3 x 5
Hammer curls 3 x 5
Reverse Bench 3 x 5
Farmers Walk 200'
Heavy Abs
4. Plyometrics: Box bounding 50 touches, stair bounding 30 touches
5. Back Squat 4 x 3
Press 4 x 3
Towel Chin Ups 4 x Failure
Shrug 4 x 10
Seated Row 4 x 6

A. Clean and Jerk 1-1-1-1-1 (Must achieve full squat on the cleans)
B.  2 minute Amrap (repeat 3 times with 1 minute rest between rounds)
3 Thrusters 135/95
5 Burpees