Thursday, January 9, 2014

January 6 - 10

Sorry for the lack of post.  Workouts have been on the board in the fitness center.  For online users, here is the breakdown for this week

A.      Deadlift 5 x 5
B.      10 rounds For Time
300 m row
Max Hollow hold
10 Burpees
Rest 1 min between rounds
A.      Bench Press 5 x 5
B.      AMRAP 15 Minutes
5 Pull Up/Chin Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Sit Ups
A.      Power Clean 5 x 3
B.      3 Rounds of
50 Wall Ball Shots
10 Box Jumps
Rest 1 min. between rounds

A.      Overhead (Press/PP/PJ/SJ) 5 x 5
B.      For Time
100 DB Swings
75 Reverse Push Ups
50 Press
25 Lateral Box Bounds

A.      Squat 5x5
B.      30-20-10
High Pulls
Plyo Lunges
Roll Outs