Friday, October 16, 2020

Somewhat open......

 Hi Everyone,

The Fitness Center will be opening for CLASSES ONLY starting this week.  I will be unable to accommodate individuals who are not directly in the classes using the facility.  This is due to contact tracing of individuals using the space and keeping the training cohorts in tact and safe.  

At this time I am unsure when or if we will be able to offer some open access to students but remain hopeful.  Thank you for your understanding and respect of the guidelines we are following to keep people safe.  

The thing to focus on is progress and safety.  We have classes in the facility, which is step one....progress!!  The next step would be to open additional space and time for non-class individuals, but we cannot put a timeline on this.  First off we need to ensure the groups in class are safe.  Once that occurs and is stable, then we will begin building towards additional things.  This is not a short process, nor is it one that schools are taking lightly.  All decisions are made at the Alberta Health Services and School Division level.  Please be patient as they have everyone's best interest at heart.