Tuesday, December 1, 2020

COVID Closure Training Options

 Although our course is currently on pause, I am hopeful that many of you will continue to train and use your body.  here are a few options that you have been asking for:

As per directions that were sent out through Microsoft Teams and email, use the archive at the bottom to go back to March 25 for the start of at home workouts.  You can pick and choose your way through the workouts available.  If you use the archive to back track to the March dates you can select the newer posts link at the bottom of the page to move forward through additional workouts.  As dates approach June posts, the workouts will get harder.  Here is the link to do a back track without leaving this post Archive Link 

For those of you who have gym memberships, here is a basic lifter program that should help you make some good size and strength gains while still allowing for movement refinement.  Program is posted on the Fitness and Performance Page under the Programs link list or you can select the program by clicking the link here COVID Closure Program 

If you have questions please reach out through email or Teams so I can help you

Stay Safe, Stay Strong