Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Experience Week and Guest Instructors

 This was such a cool week in the LCI Fitness and Performance Program.  We got out and about in the community to work with some of our industry professionals and also had some guests come into the building to teach us their craft.

Fist thank you goes to CrossFit Framework for hosting us and introducing our group to the world of CrossFit.  It was a great session lead by qualified coaches that allowed students the ability to put the skills they have learned this semester to the test.

Second thank you goes to Alex Vanderaegen for coming into LCI Fitness to teach us about Kinstretch and Functional Range Conditioning. This was an amazing session that helped students to view mobility and mobility based training through a different lens.  It also taught them the importance of end range conditioning and the fact that strength is not always associated with a barbell.  

Third day, and third thank you!  Thank you to Sean Cassidy from The Nine Weightlifting and FUEL.  It was amazing to go into the space and work with an Olympic Weightlifting coach and get a new set of eyes on our Olympic movements.  Students have been drilling, learning and refining all semester and this was the icing on the cake.  We spent most of the time in the snatch - this is where we needed the most work still - and I believe we may have a few Olympic future hopefuls in the group.


thank you goes out to my good friend Adam Kapcsos.  Adam came in and shared his knowledge and expertise on breathing and life.  In particular, he highlighted the Wim Hoff method but expanded into so many different areas linking breathing to digestion, mental health, performance and so many other avenues.  During his time, Adam shared some of the key points he feels are needed to live a healthy and happy life.  

What an amazing week to close out the semester.  I can't believe we have such great people and professionals right out our backdoor.