The fitness center will be closed on October 31, 2013 for Halloween Family Activities. Please get your workout in during the day. Thank you
The year has been progressing along for a while now and individuals have become familiar with the basic movements that we utilize. With familiarity comes confidence and an ability to safely handle larger loads in lifts. We are heading a direction where we will be testing to determine what those loads are and then beggining to utilize those numbers to guide training and progress. Please ensure you know your numbers so when the new direction we will be taking in a couple weeks occurs you are prepared for it.
A. Squat 6 x 3
- Utilize 6 sets to determine a 3 RM
B. 8 Rounds For Time and Reps
- Scores will be calculated by total row time
- Scores will be tabulated by total chest to deck push ups
**Try to think of them as 2 different wods in one workout
300 m row
AMRAP push ups
rest is 1min between rounds
Monday, October 28, 2013
October 28, 2013
10/28/2013 08:54:00 AM
Cory Gillespie