Program prescription is for 4 days of training in a 2 on 1 off 2 on 2 off format with a minimum of 1 off day being utilized for technique, mobility and flexibility.
Lifts will follow the lifting wave ladder protocol further adjustments have been made to facilitate gains and growth from cycle 1 and 2 of training in specific lifts. Using your 1 RM follow the protocol listed below. Do not readjust or retest your 1 RM and use new numbers - stay with the same number for 1 RM that was utilized in the first training cycle. We will be retesting after this training cycle to determine new 1 RM numbers. Adjustments for an increase in strength and 1 RM has been taken into consideration with the percentage adjustments below. Start at the top and move as far down the ladder as possible. If you fail on a round that is where you stop and move to the rest of the workout programming for that day. Rest time will 2-3 min between sets and 4 min between waves.
Some of the strength lifts do not fit the protocol and rep listings have been listed. It will follow a 3-2-1 progressive pyramid format. There will be 3 waves of 3-2-1. Each wave will get progressively heavier than the last. Wave 1 will be a heavy wave, wave 2 progressively heavier and wave 3 is full effort on all 3 sets. An example of progression would look like:
100x3, 105x2, 110x1/ 110x3, 115x2, 120x1/ 115x3, 120x2, 1??x1 (final set will depend on technique and strength judgement)
I ask that you track your results so you can make weekly increases. If you have numbers for 1 RM for the Letter "A" of each day then please use the wave ladder numbers in these positions as well. If you do not because we have not tested those lifts, you are new to the program and still learning or I have indicated otherwise please follow the 3-2-1 progressive pyramid.
Lifting Wave Protocol
Wave 1
1x3@ 85% (rest 2-3 min between sets)
1x2@ 87.5%
1x1@ 90%
Wave 2 (rest 4 min.)
1x3@ 87.5%+ 12.5lbs (rest 2-3 min between sets)
1x2@ 90%+ 12.5 lbs
1x1@ 92.5%+ 12.5 lbs
Wave 3 (rest 4 min.)
1x3@ 87.5%+ 20 lbs (rest 2-3 min between sets)
1x2@ 90%+ 20 lbs
1x1@ 92.5%+ 22.5 lbs
Day 1
A. Squat (Wave Ladder Format Above)
B1. Good Mornings 5 x 5
B2. Pederson Step Up 5 x 8/leg
C. 1 Arm Dbell Snatch 8 x 3/arm
10 - 1 Ladder For Time (10/10, 9/9, 8/8, 7/7....2/2, 1/1)
Pull Ups
KBS (55/35)week1, (60/40)week 2 (65/45)week 3
Day 2
A. Bench Press (Wave Ladder Format Above)
B1. Triceps Pressdown 5 x 10-12
B2. DB Hammer Curl 5 x 6-8
AMRAP 20 minutes
3 Burpees
5 Knees to Elbows
7 Wall Ball Shots (11'/10') Increase ball weight each week
Day 3
A. Deadlift (Wave Ladder format above)
B. Hang Power Cleans 8 x 2 - Drop and Reset on each set
C. Barbell Hip Thrusts 5 x 8-10
4 Rounds
500 m row
AMRAP unbroken Front Squat (85/55) Add weight each week
Rest time is 1:1.5 Active to rest ratio on total round time
(row+front squat time+(half of row + Front Squat time) = Rest
Day 4
**Warm Up with Split Jerk technical work
A. Push Jerk 3-2-1/3-2-1/3-2-1 (Progressive Pyramid Format)
B1. Wide Grip Pull Ups 4 x 6
B2. Wall Walk Ups 4 x 5
Every Minute on the Minute for 10 minutes
5 Overhead any way possible (Press/Push Press/Push Jerk/Split Jerk)
15 Box Jumps
Monday, March 17, 2014
March 24 - April 11, 2014
3/17/2014 08:27:00 AM
Cory Gillespie