Posted: March 10, 2014
Just a reminder to everyone that this is week 2 of 3. Please attempt to do programming in a 2 on 1 off 2 on 2 off fashion. You should be tracking weights and attempting to surpass your pyramid weights from the previous week and add weight to your WODs on Day 2 and Day 4.
Also, the fitness centre is open Thursday nights to all users from 7-9 thanks to the football team coaching staff. All users welcome.
March 3 - 23 , 2014 (week 1 of 3)
For tis cycle there will be a specific focus on bringing up lagging low body parts.
Programming is written as day 1 - 4, but I advise against doing 4 days in a row. Wherever possible try to split as a 2 on 1 off 2 on 2 off style programming.
Lifts will follow the lifting wave ladder protocol further adjustments have been made to facilitate gains and growth from cycle 1 of training in specific lifts. Using your 1 RM follow the protocol listed below. Do not readjust or retest your 1 RM and use new numbers - stay with the same number for 1 RM that was utilized in the first training cycle. Adjustments for an increase in strength and 1 RM has been taken into consideration with the percentage adjustments below. Move as far down the ladder as possible. If you fail on a round that is where you stop and move to the rest of the workout programming for that day. Rest time will 2-3 min between sets and 4 min between waves. Some of the strength lifts do not fit the protocol and rep listings have been listed. I ask that you track your results so you can make weekly increases. If you have numbers for 1 RM for the Letter "A" of each day then please use the wave ladder numbers in these positions as well.
Lifting Wave Protocol
Wave 1
1x3@ 85% (rest 2-3 min between sets)
1x2@ 87.5%
1x1@ 90%
Wave 2 (rest 4 min.)
1x3@ 87.5+ 10lbs (rest 2-3 min between sets)
1x2@ 90+ 10 lbs
1x1@ 92.5+ 10 lbs
Wave 3 (rest 4 min.)
1x3@ 87.5+ 15 lbs (rest 2-3 min between sets)
1x2@ 90+ 15 lbs
1x1@ 92.5+ 20 lbs
Day 1
A. Squat (Wave Ladder Format Above)
eg. 100x3/102.5x2/105x1 - 105 x 3/107.5x2/110x1 - ?x3/?x2/?x1
B1. Stiff Leg Deadlifts 4 x 6-8
B2. Pistol Squats 4 x 6-8
Week 1
AMRAP 10 Mins
40 Double Unders
25 KBS
Week 2
AMRAP 8 Mins
35 Double Unders
20 KBS
Week 3
AMRAP 6 Mins
30 Double Unders
15 KBS
Day 2
A. Incline Bench Press 3/2/1 3/2/1 3/2/1 (Pyramid weight up)
eg. 100x3/102.5x2/105x1 - 105 x 3/107.5x2/110x1 - ?x3/?x2/?x1
Looking to achieve failure load numbers for the prescribed reps in the final set
B1. Close Grip Bench Press 5 x 6-8
B2. Reverse Grip Drag Curl 5 x 8-10
Ring Dips
Day 3
A. Deadlift (Wave Ladder format above)
B1. Pronated Grip Bent Over Barbell Rows 4 x 6-8 (Use high pulley)
B2. Pull Throughs 4 x 25/20/15/10
For Time
2000 m row
25 Toes to Bar
75 Push Ups
25 Knees to Elbows
50 Pull Ups
25 Flag Pole Raises
Day 4
A. Push Press 3/2/1 3/2/1 3/2/1 (Pyramid weight up)
eg. 100x3/102.5x2/105x1 - 105 x 3/107.5x2/110x1 - ?x3/?x2/?x1
B1. Hang High Pulls 4 x 6
B2. Front Squat 4 x 6-8
AMRAP 3 min
4 1 Arm Dbell Snatch (3 per Arm)
6 Lateral Box Bounds (20/14)
4 Broad Jump Burpees
Active Rest 3 min. jog/row/skip choice
AMRAP 5 min
4 1 Arm Dbell Snatch (3 per Arm)
6 Lateral Box Bounds (20/14)
4 Broad Jump Burpees
Saturday, March 1, 2014
March 3 - 23, 2014
3/01/2014 05:12:00 AM
Cory Gillespie