Below is the program for the next 3 weeks. Here is the link if you wish to download and save.
or you can also click here to be taken to the document
This is a very general approach and things will pick up some speed after the reading break is over.
As always if you have not been lifting or training then start slow and adjust the reps to higher volume amounts. For example the prescribed 5-3-1 would become 10-8-6 for inexperienced lifters. The program itself can remain the same
Always strive for perfection in movements and only lift what you are capable of doing with good technique.
Program Prescription
Programming is prescribed in a 2 on 1 off 2 on
2 off style for training and rest days.
You will not injure yourself training 5 in a row but it is not optimal
and will not yield the best results. Please do not combine days if you
miss a training day.
Lifting Parameters
Lifting Parameters
Athletes will need to find 5, 3 and 1 RM
depending on the specifics of the day.
Week 1 find a 5 RM
Week 2 find a 3 RM (when approximating the load to attempt use general guide of between 5 lbs – 10 lbs increases from the 5
RM weight of the previous week).
Week 3 find a 1 RM (when approximating the load to attempt use general guide of between 5 lbs – 10 lbs increases from the 5 RM weight of the previous week).
Conditioning elements will remain the same for
3 weeks
For 5 RM days
- Utilize a 15 minute time frame to find a 5 RM.
- Rest time between sets of 5 RM attempts must be 1:30 - 2 min in duration once the movement approaches the failure point.
- Rest times can be shorter in the initial specific warm up phases of testing with rest being taken as needed
- Failure occurs at the point of technical breakdown or inability to move the weight. The last successful weight lifted within the 15 minute time frame will be utilized as your 5 RM
- Max 2 failed attempts on a
For 3 RM days
- Utilize a 15 minute time frame to find a 3 RM.
- Rest time between sets of 3 RM attempts must be 2-3 min in duration once the movement approaches the failure point.
- Rest times can be shorter in the initial specific warm up phases of testing with rest being taken as needed
- Failure occurs at the point of technical breakdown or inability to move the weight. The last successful weight lifted within the 15 minute time frame will be utilized as your 3 RM
- Max 2 failed attempts on a weight
For 3 RM days
- Utilize a 15 minute time frame to find a 3 RM.
- Rest time between sets of 3 RM attempts must be 2-3 min in duration once the movement approaches the failure point.
- Rest times can be shorter in the initial specific warm up phases of testing with rest being taken as needed
- Failure occurs at the point of technical breakdown or inability to move the weight. The last successful weight lifted within the 15 minute time frame will be utilized as your 3 RM
- Max 2 failed attempts on a weight
For 1 RM days
- Utilize 20 minute time frame to find a 1 RM
- Rest time between sets of 1 RM attempts must be 3-4 min in duration once the movement approaches the failure point.
- Rest times can be shorter in the initial specific warm up phases of testing with rest being taken as needed
- Failure occurs at the point of technical breakdown or inability to move the weight. The last successful weight lifted within the 20 minute time frame will be utilized as your 1 RM
- Max 2 failed attempts on a
Day 1
Lift (As per parameters listed above)
15 – 10 – 5
Box Jumps (24/20)
Day 2
Lift (As per parameters listed above)
Bench Press
AMRAP 10 Minutes
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Sit Ups
- You can work on mobility and weightless tech only
Day 4
Lift (As per parameters listed above)
3 rounds
500 m row
Rest 2 minutes
Day 5
Lift (As per parameters listed above)
Overhead Press
10 – 1 Ladder
KBS (55/35)
- You can do some light moving and some short duration
cardiovascular work at low intensity
- Speed and agility work days (ladders, dots, pylon drills)
- You can also incorporate some core development work