Here is the link to the next phase of programming.
Program will last 3 weeks and then new wave percentages and conditioning will be added.
- If you have 1 RM numbers then follow the wave protocol as prescribed
- If you do not have 1 RM numbers, but are comfortable and able to lift with good technique, find 1 RM numbers in week 1 of the program and enter the ladder in week 2.
- If you do not have numbers and are not technically proficient then you will not utilize the ladder format for lifts but rather work 5 sets of 10 reps week 1, 8 reps week 2 and 6 reps in week 3, for all major lifts.
Programming is written as day 1 - 4, but I advise against
doing 4 days in a row. Wherever possible try to split as a 2 on 1 off 2 on 2
off style programming. Optional days
will be scheduled but not programmed, as they should be individual specific to
the areas that you are struggling with, have imbalances in or need to address
Using your 1 RM follow the percentage based protocol listed below. Move as far down the ladder as possible. If you fail on a round/set that is where you stop that specific lift for the day and move to the rest of the programming for that day. As this is 3 weeks, you will then have 2 more weeks to attempt to work your way through the entire ladder.
If you are successful in week 1 completing the
entire ladder then add an additional 2.5% to each percentage in the ladder for
weeks 2 and 3. If successful in week 2
or week 3 leave percentages and weights and follow as programmed.
Rest time will 2-3 min between sets and 4 min
between waves
Wave 1............................................................................................................................... Example weights Based
............................................................................................................................................. on 100lbs 1 RM
1x3@ 80% (rest 2 min between sets).......................................................................... 80
1x2@ 82.5%..................................................................................................................... 82.5
1x1@ 85%......................................................................................................................... 85
Wave 2 (rest 4 min.)
1x3@ 80%+ 5 lbs (rest 2 min between sets).............................................................. 85
1x2@ 85% + 5 lbs............................................................................................................ 90
1x1@ 87.5% + 5 lbs........................................................................................................ 92.5
Wave 3 (rest 4 min.)
1x3@ 82.5% + 10 lbs (rest 2 min between sets)....................................................... 92.5
1x2@ 87.5 % + 10 lbs..................................................................................................... 97.5
1x1@ 92.5%+ 10 lbs....................................................................................................... 102.5
1x3@ 80% (rest 2 min between sets).......................................................................... 80
1x2@ 82.5%..................................................................................................................... 82.5
1x1@ 85%......................................................................................................................... 85
Wave 2 (rest 4 min.)
1x3@ 80%+ 5 lbs (rest 2 min between sets).............................................................. 85
1x2@ 85% + 5 lbs............................................................................................................ 90
1x1@ 87.5% + 5 lbs........................................................................................................ 92.5
Wave 3 (rest 4 min.)
1x3@ 82.5% + 10 lbs (rest 2 min between sets)....................................................... 92.5
1x2@ 87.5 % + 10 lbs..................................................................................................... 97.5
1x1@ 92.5%+ 10 lbs....................................................................................................... 102.5
Day 1
A. Squat (As per wave ladder format listed above)
B. Towel Chin Ups 5 x Fail
C. Mix Grip Barbell Rows 4 x 6-8
D. Standing Cable Rope Crunch 4 x 15
AMRAP 5 min
10 Wall Ball Shots (20/14)
10 Pull Ups
Rest 3 Min
Repeat one more time
Day 2
A. Bench (As per wave ladder format listed above)
B. Paul Dicks Press 4 x 6-8
C. Bird Dogs 4 x 8/side
50 Push Ups
40 Jump Squats
30 Clean Grip High Pulls (95/65)
20 Dips
10 Hand Release Burpees
Day 3
Mobility, imbalances, technique
and active recovery
* These are
non-training days but can be utilized for the above. Individuals/Athletes should focus on areas
that need specific attention for themselves
Mobility – Based in myofascial release
techniques. Individual specific Target
areas that are tight and causing grief.
Imbalances – Individual specific eg. Weak
adductors (knees dive in during squat) address issue with corrective exercises
Banded distraction and static stretches – Individual
specific Target areas that are tight and causing grief.
Technique – Work empty bars and dowel rods to
correct technique. Use footwork drills
to fix sloppy feet
Active Recovery – 60% max effort row or bike. Max 15 min in duration.
Day 4
A. Deadlift (As per wave ladder format listed above)
B1. Hang Power Clean 6 x 3 (drop weight and reset each rep)
B2. 30 sec AMRAP Box Jump (24/20)
C. DB Shrug 4 x 10 (3,3,3,3)
500 m row
Rest 500 m row time
1000 m row
Rest 1000 m row time
2000 m row
Day 5
A. Overhead Press (As per wave ladder format listed above)
B. Scap Jacks 4 x 6-8
C. 3 min accumulated Hollow Rock/Hollow Holds
Thrusters (95/65)
DB Swings (55/35)
Sit Unders (35/15)
Day 6
Mobility, imbalances, technique
and active recovery
* These are
non-training days but can be utilized for the above. Individuals/Athletes should focus on areas
that need specific attention for themselves
Mobility – Based in myofascial release
techniques. Individual specific Target
areas that are tight and causing grief.
Imbalances – Individual specific eg. Weak
adductors (knees dive in during squat) address issue with corrective exercises
Banded distraction and static stretches – Individual
specific Target areas that are tight and causing grief.
Technique – Work empty bars and dowel rods to
correct technique. Use footwork drills
to fix sloppy feet
Active Recovery – 60% max effort row or bike. Max 15 min in duration.
Day 7