Sunday, March 29, 2015

March 30 - April 19, 2015

Here is the next phase of programming.  Sorry it is 1 week late....having surgery kinda throws timelines off.  No excuses, please accept my apologies.  Here is the link for the next phase of programming Wave Ladder Phase 2

I always find it helps when your following a program to know where you are headed.  Currently, we are in the beginning stages of our period.  We are going to spend a total of 12 weeks following the wave system and building strength through it (already 3 weeks in).  At the end of the 12 week period we will begin to focus on more explosive movements for a period of 10-12 weeks with some conversion time built into that time frame.  Please email me questions if you have any as I am on the couch for a while.

Here is the non-downloadable version of the program for quick reference.

Weeks 4-6 (Phase 2)
**DO NOT RE-TEST 1RM!!!  Use the 1 RM that you started the program with.  Gains have been built into percentages and ladder increments.  Retesting will happen after phase 4 (12 weeks of programming).

Programming is written as day 1 - 4, but I advise against doing 4 days in a row. Wherever possible try to split as a 2 on 1 off 2 on 2 off style programming. 
Optional days will be scheduled but not programmed/prescribed, as they should be individual specific to the areas that you are struggling with, have imbalances in or need to address with mobility.  Optional days can also be utilized as full rest days if your body is having trouble keeping up or recovering.

Using your 1 RM follow the percentage based protocol listed below. Move as far down the ladder as possible. If you fail on a round/set that is where you stop that specific lift for the day and move to the rest of the programming for that day. As this is 3 weeks, you will then have 2 more weeks to attempt to work your way through the entire ladder. 
If you are successful in week 1 completing the entire ladder then add an additional 2.5% to each percentage in the ladder for weeks 2 and 3.  If successful in week 2 or week 3 leave percentages and weights and follow as programmed. 
Rest time will 2-3 min between sets and 4 min between waves
**These are new percentages and additions – please recalculate lifts

Wave 1............................................................................................................................ Eg. weights Based on 100 lbs 1 RM
1x3@ 82.5% (rest 2 min between sets).................................................................... 82.5 lbs
1x2@ 85%...................................................................................................................... 85 lbs
1x1@ 87.5%.................................................................................................................. 87.5 lbs
Wave 2 (rest 4 min.)
1x3@ 85%+ 5 lbs (rest 2 min between sets)........................................................... 90 lbs
1x2@ 87.5% + 5 lbs..................................................................................................... 92.5 lbs
1x1@ 90% + 5 lbs......................................................................................................... 95 lbs
Wave 3 (rest 4 min.)
1x3@ 85% + 10 lbs (rest 2 min between sets)........................................................ 95 lbs
1x2@ 90 % + 10 lbs..................................................................................................... 100 lbs
1x1@ 95%+ 10 lbs....................................................................................................... 105 lbs

Day 1
A. Squat (As per wave ladder format listed above)
B. Strict Pull Ups 5 x Fail
C. Seated Towel Row 4 x 6-8
D1. Sit Under 4 x 15
D2. GHD Sit Up 4 x 10 (be explosive)
AMRAP 5 min
4 Front Squats (95/65)
6 Clap Behind Back Burpees (at the bottom of burpee hands must leave floor and clap behind back before leaving the floor prone position)
Rest 3 min
AMRAP 4 min
6 Overhead Walking Lunge (45/35)
4 Clap Behind Back Burpees (at the bottom of burpee hands must leave floor and clap behind back before leaving the floor prone position)
Rest 2 min
AMRAP 2 min
Box Jump (24/20)

Day 2
A. Bench (As per wave ladder format listed above)
B. Overhead Cable Rope Extension4 x 6-8
C1. Ab Wheel Roll Outs 5 x 30 sec roll
C2. Hanging L Sit Hold 5 x fail (30 sec max)
2 Rounds for Total Points
AMRAP 1:30 min Thrusters
AMRAP 1:30 min Pull Ups
AMRAP 1:30 min Ring Dips
AMRAP 1:30 min Power Clean
Rest 4 min and repeat

Day 3
Mobility, imbalances, technique and active recovery
* These are non-training days but can be utilized for the above.  Individuals/Athletes should focus on areas that need specific attention for themselves
Mobility – Based in myofascial release techniques.  Individual specific Target areas that are tight and causing grief.
Imbalances – Individual specific eg. Weak adductors (knees dive in during squat) address issue with corrective exercises
Banded distraction and static stretches – Individual specific Target areas that are tight and causing grief.
Technique – Work empty bars and dowel rods to correct technique.  Use footwork drills to fix sloppy feet
Active Recovery – 60% max effort row or bike.  Max 15 min in duration.

Day 4
A1. Deadlift (As per wave ladder format listed above)
B1. Hang High Pull 6 x 3 (drop weight and reset each rep)
B2. Depth Jump Box Jump 4 x 10 (20/14)
C. Hang Shrug 4 x 6-8 (Explosive shrug – use hip hinge for start position/explode and shrug)
For max calories
4 min Airdyne/Assault bike
4 min rest
4 min Airdyne/Assault Bike

Day 5
A. Overhead Press (As per wave ladder format listed above)
B1. Cross Body Hammer Curls 6 x 6-8 @ 80% perceived exertion
B2. DB Snatch 6 x 3 per side (1:30 rest between sets)
C1. 3 min accumulated Hollow Rock/Hollow Holds
C2. Crossbody Med Ball Throws 5 reps per side (10 total) for every break in hollow rock (16/10)
For Time
50 Calorie Row
40 DB Swings (55/35)
30 WBS (20/14)
20 Clean Grip High Pulls
30 WBS (20/14)
40 DB Swings (55/35)
50 Calorie Row

Day 6
Mobility, imbalances, technique and active recovery
* These are non-training days but can be utilized for the above.  Individuals/Athletes should focus on areas that need specific attention for themselves
Mobility – Based in myofascial release techniques.  Individual specific Target areas that are tight and causing grief.
Imbalances – Individual specific eg. Weak adductors (knees dive in during squat) address issue with corrective exercises
Banded distraction and static stretches – Individual specific Target areas that are tight and causing grief.
Technique – Work empty bars and dowel rods to correct technique.  Use footwork drills to fix sloppy feet
Active Recovery – 60% max effort row or bike.  Max 15 min in duration.

Day 7