Hello Fitness Center users,
Welcome back to another year of training in the LCI Fitness Center. This first post is full of important information so that you are aware of the happenings related to the fitness center here at the LCI. Please read the information listed below:
*** All users require a waiver form to utilize the fitness center. Waiver forms may be picked up during period 3 from Mr. Gillespie in the fitness center or can be printed by selecting the waiver form link on the right side of the page.
*** The LCI Fitness Center is a donation based facility that is open and available to all LCI students and staff members. Donations can be made online via SchoolCash Online by selecting the waiver form link on the right hand side of the page. Without your generous support the LCI Fitness Center would not be able to operate in the nature it does, nor provide the unparalleled opportunities available for LCI students. Thank you in advance for your consideration and support.
Start Up Information:
1. Fitness Center hours have not been posted as of yet. Once we have hours set, they will be accessible through the link on the right side of the page (Hours of Operation)
2. The Fitness Center WILL NOT be open for afterschool use until September 28, 2015. After September 28 the hours will be as posted.
3. The Fitness Center WILL be open for use during period 3 Mon - Fri beginning September 7, 2015 for the duration of Semester 1. At the end of semester 1 daytime use will be limited to period 1 & 2.
4. Programming will commence September 28, 2015 and will peak just prior to the Christmas break. All programs are periodized to flow together but do follow a generalized approach to make individuals fitter, stronger, and faster. Programs will be posted every 3-4 weeks and all build on each other towards the December goal.
- Additional bodyweight programming can be accessed through selecting the Conditioning Tab at the top of the page and then the "Program 1" page link
- Off campus programmer programming can be accessed through selecting the Conditioning Tab at the top of the page and then the "Program 2" page link
- Sports Performance class programming can be accessed through selecting the Conditioning Tab at the top of the page and then the "Sports Performance" page link
- Additional programming from the past years can be accessed in the "Blog Archive" link located on the bottom right hand side of the page.
5. Currently we do not have a supervisor for "Woman's Workout Day" and the Fitness Center will be available for all users at all times that it is operating.
We are looking forward to seeing some friendly old faces, some fresh new faces and anyone with the willingness to try and make a change for themselves. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me through the email on the page or call the school at (403)328-9606 ext.212