Thursday, March 19, 2020

Upcoming Communications for Course Work

Hi All,
I just wanted to provide you a quick update as to the Fitness and Performance 9 and Fitness and Performance 12/3/4

course material.  More information regarding delivery and content will come from the school and district level, but in the meantime students will need to ensure they have access to Microsoft Teams app on either a laptop or mobile device. 

Teams will be the main method of communication that I will be utilizing with students and content delivery.  If things in tech world work the way that I am hoping they will, I will be able to also upload all content to the site here for you to be able to follow at home.  The course is going to look different than it normally would, due to the current situation we find ourselves in, but rest assured I will be putting out information and lessons that will still allow you to improve yourself and move towards an increase in your personal fitness and/or performance. 

I will also be having office hour times that are TBD where you will have the ability to reach out to me and we can have some dialogue.  If you are struggling with learning movements or would like me to have a look at you r current movements we can either do some video chatting or you can send me a video link and we can evaluate and improve from there.

The silver lining in this situation is that if you choose to learn and improve your movement, the lack of equipment for most people, and situation itself, will lend to a slower progression where you can really dial in all of the little details that can make you more efficient and a safer mover.   It's going to be an adventure but I am up for the challenge if you are!!!