Thursday, February 11, 2010

It's Finally Time to Snatch

Over the next few weeks we will be spending some time learning how to snatch. There is a lot of crossover between the snatch and many of the other lifts we have already learned. Start position = similar to deadlift, middle pull and hip action = same as in clean, overhead/receive = overhead squat. Obviously, there is a lot that goes on between those specific moves for this to be a successful lift, but the general tools are already in our tool box. Here is a video of Coach Burgener breaking the snatch down for you to check out.

Heather and I will be training with Coach Burgener in about a week from now in Costa Mesa, California. We are totally stoked and feel very fortunate to have this opportunity. We would like to thank our good friend Kris Fraser for providing this opportunity for us, as he has made our dream a reality. Thanks Kris!

Hang Power Clean 5-4-3-2-1
Learn snatch